The true story

of the Wawel Dragon

9 Lip | 2021

You meet him in Kraków almost everywhere you go… Most probably you’ve heard of him plenty of times… The popularity of the Wawel Dragon, the symbol and sign of Kraków is undeniable.

Smok Wawelski w Krakowie

A plush dragon, chocolate dragon, dragon on a T-shirt and finally the monument of the dragon by the Vistula River… Where did he originate from? And what’s the deal with this dragon?

Smok Wawelski

Let’s begin with the history: there are a few versions of the legend, but all of them are consistent in saying that the dragon used to live in a den (later called Smocza Jama) under the Wawel Castle and during the reign of King Krakus. The dragon used to eat very unhealthy food – cows for dinner and young girls for dessert. All people of Kraków were worried about the dragon’s diet, but it was only the young shoemaker who came up with an idea how to break the dragon’s habit. Dratewka (that was his name) put a lamb stuffed with sulphur inside the Dragon’s den. The dragon ate the lamb and became so thirsty that he drank half of the Vistula. The official version says that the dragon drank so much that he finally burst, but of course this is only a legend. 🙂 The Vistula River is still where it used to be and the dragon stayed in the city until today. From 1972 it stands still at the entrance to Smocza Jama and belches fire in a friendly way to the city tourists. It belches fire also at your command – if you send an SMS to the number 7168, you receive a text: “Welcome to the Wawel Castle… In a moment I will belch fire for you”. 🙂

And what is the real ending of the story? After the situation with the lamb, the dragon changed his diet and set up its own PR company. The dragon officially represents Kraków and appears on souvenirs. Even a train (Warszawa-Kraków-Warszawa) was given his name. The dragon also featured in a series of books and cartoons for children telling the story of Baltazar Gąbka. And what happened next? Of course he’s been living happily ever after! 🙂

Kursy Online

Courses Online

Kurs semestralny online

Course Online

Curso semestral de polaco en línea

  • 52 lecciones - 2 x 90 min semanales
  • 2 clases nocturnas de 90 min
  • Todos los niveles del idioma A1 – C2
Find out more
Kursy w szkole

Courses at school

Intensywny kurs trzytygodniowy

Course at school

Curso intensivo de polaco de tres semanas

  • 58 lecciones – 3 semanas
  • 58 lessons – 3 weeks
  • Todos los niveles del idioma
Find out more

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Monday-Thursday9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Friday9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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About Us

Fall in love with the Polish language, Krakow and… Varia!

Varia is the most popular Polish language school in Krakow and possibly even in the world. We pour our hearts and souls into everything we do at Varia. We are delighted knowing our students notice and appreciate our efforts.

Meet us

Current Discounts


Discount: 100 PLN
for students who have already participated in a semester course or a three-week intensive course in the last 3 years.
Price of the course: 1280 PLN → 1180 PLN


Discount: 100 PLN
for students who have already participated in a three-week or semester course in the last 3 years.
Price of the course: 1180 PLN → 1080 PLN

Language levels – what do they mean?

We offer classes at all levels: from Beginners (A1) to Advanced (C2).

Those participants who have studied Polish will write a placement test which is intended to asses their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the Polish language. On the basis of the test results and after the conversation with the teacher, you will be placed in a group suitable for your language level.

A1 LEVEL Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce himself/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is willing to help. To reach this level you need to complete 80-120 lesson units.

A2 LEVEL Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to the areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in the areas of immediate need. To reach this level you need to complete 180-200 lesson units.

B1 LEVEL Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school or during his/her free time, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple coherent texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events as well as dreams, hopes and ambitions. Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. To reach this level you need to complete 350-400 lesson units.

B2 LEVEL Can understand the main ideas of a complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions related to his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects and explain his/her viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. To reach this level you need to complete 500-600 lesson units.

C1 LEVEL Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express himself/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. To reach this level you need to complete 700-800 lesson units.

C2 LEVEL Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express himself/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations. To reach this level you need to complete 1000-1200 lesson units.

Privacy policy

Using the webpage, you agree on the rules of the Privacy Policy.

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Administrator of the data and operator of the webpage of domains:,, and is:
VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o. o. formerly known as VARIA s.c. Centrum Języka Polskiego Katarzyna Hoffmann Aneta Kawa
ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
31-126 Kraków
NIP: 9451997201
KRS: 0000929949

Personal data of users of the webpages

  1. VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. formerly VARIA s.c. Centrum Języka Polskiego Katarzyna Hoffmann Aneta Kawa provides all Users of the Services with the exercise of their rights under the Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (consolidated text in the Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101, item 95/46 / EC of the European Parliament and the Council) 926 with later changes) (hereinafter „the Act”).
  2. The purposes of personal data processing:
    • Data processing for purposes related to the language course application (data included in the contact form, application form and online tests, e.g. name, telephone number, email address). For accounting purposes (e.g. name and surname, address). Some User’s data may be downloaded automatically when visiting the Webpages (eg IP address, domain name, browser type, operating system type);
    • Processing of personal data for marketing purposes (only in the case of the User’s consent), in particular for the purpose of sending commercial information and newsletters via e-mail to the provided e-mail address within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 9 September 2002, as amended) and other provisions of generally applicable law;
    • Providing personal data is voluntary, however, the lack of a consent to the processing of personal data by us may prevent us from providing services;
    • By entrusting us with your personal data, the User gains the right to inspect them, the right to request their updates and the right to request their removal. In order to exercise these rights, contact VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. formerly VARIA s.c. Centrum Języka Polskiego Katarzyna Hoffmann Aneta Kawa, ul. Michałowskiego 2/3, 31-126 Kraków:, tel .: +48/12 633 58 71. If the User wants to resign from receiving the newsletter, they can do so by sending an e-mail to

The security of personal data

VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. formerly VARIA s.c. Centrum Języka Polskiego Katarzyna Hoffmann Aneta Kawa implements technical measures provided by the law, the purpose of which is to ensure the best possible protection of collected personal data against unauthorized access or use by unauthorized persons.


VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. formerly VARIA s.c. Centrum Języka Polskiego Katarzyna Hoffmann Aneta Kawa pursuant to the provisions of art. 173 and 174 of the Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws of July 16, 2004, as amended) informs that as part of the Services uses the file technology so-called „cookies”.

In order to adapt the content and services to the individual needs and interests of the Users of the website, we use the so-called cookies, i.e. information saved by servers of websites on the User’s computer, which servers can read every time you connect to this computer. Cookies provide us with statistical data about the Users’ traffic and the use of particular websites by them. The User may at any time disable the option of accepting cookies in his browser, however, disabling cookies may cause difficulties or even make it impossible to use certain services, in particular those requiring login. Disabling the option of accepting cookies does not mean that you cannot read or view the content posted on the website.


The Administrator uses automatic processing tools to process Users’ personal data. By using the tools for profiling personal data, the Administrator is able to assess personal factors related to a specific User, and in particular to analyse or forecast aspects related to personal preferences, interests, etc. The purpose of profiling is to provide individual Users with personalized and tailored offers and content in all channels, including via FB, e-mail marketing, dynamic content on the website and direct sales. Each User has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of their personal data consisting in profiling.

VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. formerly VARIA s.c. Centrum Języka Polskiego Katarzyna Hoffmann Aneta Kawa reserves the right to change the above privacy policy by publishing a new privacy policy at

If you have any questions regarding the protection of personal data, please contact the Data Administrator:

Individual course By-laws

  1. To enroll in a course, fill out a registration form (available online at or at the school office) and pay the fee for the first lesson.
  2. Varia reserves the right to record lessons for educational purposes. The recordings will be used only for the school’s purposes without sharing or distributing them to third parties.
  3. Individual course students are allowed to participate in additional activities organized by Varia for all students, e.g. workshops, integration parties.

Resignation and fees

  1. Individual course students are allowed to cancel or change the dates of planned classes. The change or cancelation notice needs to be received and confirmed by our office or the teacher at least 24 hours prior to the originally planned lesson. Notices need to be sent via email ( or phone (12 633 58 71) and received during our office’s regular business hours. Otherwise, the full lesson fee will be assessed.
  2. In case of a teacher’s absence, Varia will provide a substitute (approved by the student) or reschedule the class for the time and date convenient to the student.
  3. A student has a right to discontinue attending classes without providing a reason. In such cases, Varia is obligated to return any of the student’s unused funds.

Late policy

In the case of a student’s tardiness, the teacher is obligated to wait for the student for a period of fifteen minutes, unless the teacher is notified of a longer delay. The duration of the lesson will not be prolonged.

Varia Polish Language Center School By-laws

§ 1 Creation of the groups, fundamental rules

  1. Enrollment in a course is constituted by filling out a registration form (online or at Varia’s office) and paying the required fee. The By-laws are an integral part of an agreement signed between the Student and Varia. Receipt of the course fee is equivalent to acceptance of the By-laws.
  2. The prospective Varia students (with the exception of students starting their Polish education, students continuing their education at Varia, students who have earned a language certificate, or students holding an international language diploma) are required to take a placement test and/or participate in an interview with a Varia teacher.
  3. A free placement test is provided for the Student’s convenience on Varia’s web page
  4. The instructional groups are created based on the Students’ language ability, age, and individual needs.
  5. The course is designed for Students over 15 years of age.
  6. Upon the class commencement, it is permissible for the Student to change course level (to a higher or a lower one) with Varia’s approval.
  7. The number of Students in a group vary from 5 to 12.
  8. If a particular class cannot be launched because of an insufficient number of participants, any fees paid by the Student in advance will be returned in full.
  9. If, after commencement of a class, the number of participants decreases to fewer than five, the Students will be offered to join a different group, to participate in an abbreviated course, or to have the unused fees returned.
  10. For Students joining the course after the commencement of the semester course, the course price is calculated individually.
  11. The School reserves the right to change the Teacher during the course because of unforeseen circumstances.
  12. Varia requires Students to be punctual, actively participate in class, and diligently prepare for future lessons. It is forbidden for the Student to be disruptive during a class, to use a mobile phone or any other equipment that interrupts the group, or to behave in a manner inconsistent with commonly accepted social norms, in particular concerning religious and national feelings.
  13. Students are not reimbursed for their absences.
  14. In case of a Teacher’s absence, technical issues, or other unforeseen circumstances, the School will provide a substitute or reschedule classes to a date convenient for all Participants.
  15. Varia reserves the right to record lessons for educational purposes. The recordings will be used only for the School’s purposes without being shared or distributed to third parties.
  16. In case of any suggestions or concerns, please contact your Teacher, the Office, or the Management.

§ 2 Certifications, tests, documents

  1. To obtain a course certificate a Student has to participate in at least 60% of lessons during the semester course and receive a positive grade from the final exam (min. 60%).
  2. A Student advances to the next level course upon passing the final test (at least 60%), attending at least 60% of lessons, completing assigned homework, and receiving a positive opinion from the Teacher about the Student’s work and his/her progress.
  3. A student who did not participate in the final exam with his group is required to take the test at the earliest possible date.
  4. At the Student’s request, Varia will provide a course registration confirmation, which can be presented to apply for a residence card or a visa.

§ 3 Payment for the course

  1. Students are required to pay for the entire course in advance or in installments in accordance to the price list of the School.
  2. The price of the course includes a 150 PLN administrative fee.
  3. The Course price.
    • 3.1 The price of the semester course (at Varia and online) includes:
      • Polish language lessons
      • Additional materials (except for a textbook and a workbook) used in class
      • Cultural program prepared for the semester course (such as lectures, themed workshops)
      • Placement test
      • Final exam
      • Certificate of attendance
      • Progress report
    • 3.2 The price of the 3-week intensive course includes:
      • Polish language lessons
      • Language workshop
      • Teaching materials
      • Placement test
      • Final exam
      • Certificate of attendance
      • Progress report
    • On the first day of the course, the beginner group starts classes at 9:30 a.m. The Students with previous Polish language experience take a placement test – oral and/or written – based on which they will be assigned to the appropriate group. All non-beginner groups participate in 2 lessons on the first day (from 11:15am to 12:45pm).
    • 3.3 The price of the intensive summer course includes:
      • Polish language lessons
      • 2 language and culture workshops
      • Teaching materials
      • Placement test
      • Final exam
      • Certificate of attendance
      • Progress report

On the first day of the course, the beginner group starts class at 9:30 a.m. The Students with previous Polish language experience take a placement test – oral and/or written – based on which they will be assigned to the appropriate group. All non-beginner groups participate in 2 lessons on the first day (from 11:15am to 12:45pm).

  1. The course fee must be paid in full prior to the commencement of the course. There is an option to pay in two installments, which does not change the price of the course.
    1. The first installment should be paid within 1 week upon receipt of registration confirmation. The balance must be paid at least one week prior to the start of the course.
    2. In case of enrollment in a course less than one week prior to the start of such course, the full course fee must be paid at once.
  2. Payments can be made either in cash, by card, or by bank transfer to the below listed account:

Bank account in PLN:
VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. (formerly known as VARIA s.c. Centrum Języka Polskiego Katarzyna Hoffmann Aneta Kawa)
ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
31-126 Kraków

Name of the bank: mBank S.A.

The account number/IBAN:PL 51 1140 2017 0000 4102 0546 3403

Bank account in EURO:
VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. (formerly known as VARIA s.c. Centrum Języka Polskiego Katarzyna Hoffmann Aneta Kawa)
ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
31-126 Kraków

Name of the bank: mBank S.A.

The account number/IBAN:PL 70 1140 2017 0000 4012 0038 5708

  1. All bank fees are the responsibility of the Student.

§ 4 Cancellation

  1. Cancellation rules:
    1. If a cancellation is made more than two weeks prior to the beginning of the course, the School will refund a Student’s entire payment less the administrative fee (150 PLN).
    2. If a cancellation is made less than two weeks before the beginning of the course, but prior to the commencement of the course, the Student who paid the full course fee is refunded the full amount less the first installment.
    3. If a cancellation is made two days after the course begins, the fee will not be reimbursed.
    4. A student who applied for a visa or a residence card and received the proper document from the School is not entitled to the reimbursement of the first installment of the fee regardless of the time of the cancellation.
  2. If the student does not pay the second installment of the course fee within seven days after the due date, he/she loses the right to attend the classes until the bill is settled in accordance with the By-laws. A Student who does not pay the second installment of the course fee and stops attending classes continues to be obligated to fulfil the terms of his/her agreement.
  3. The cancellation fee for participation in a group course may be waived when the Student submits a written request to the School’s office, along with a proof of extenuating circumstances, such as: chronic illness, serious family situation, random accidents. Decision to waive the cancellation fee is made solely by the Director of VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. and will be provided within 7 days of receipt of the request.

§ 5 Warranty complaints

  1. Every Student has a right to file a warranty complaint. The warranty claim can refer to the teaching methods and/or organizational issues.
  2. A warranty claim can be submitted:
    1. In writing at the office of Varia Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. (Michalowskiego 2/3 street, 31-126 Kraków).
    2. Via email to the address:
  3. A properly submitted complaint should include:
    1. The personal information of the Student (name, surname, address, email)
    2. The description of the situation causing the complaint
    3. The Student’s expectations regarding the resolution of the complaint
  4. Complaints must be submitted within seven days of the occurrence of the event.
  5. The School will review complaints within seven days of the date the complaint was received.
  6. The Student will be informed of the complaint resolution via email.
  7. The form of any individual compensation will be determined together with the Student.

§ 6 COVID – 19

  1. During the current SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic situation, if it becomes necessary to quarantine the entire group, the Student agrees to postpone the classes for the duration of the quarantine. The postponed lessons will be resumed at the Student’s convenience.
  2. During the current SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic situation, the Student agrees to change from a classroom course to an online course if there is an increased number of infections of SARS-CoV-2 before or during the course, or if there are new government restrictions or guidelines that would make it impossible or difficult to conduct the course in a classroom setting.
  3. The student will be informed about any changes in the form of the course or any course delay by email or phone, as indicated in the application form.
  4. Conducting the course in an online form constitutes proper execution of the agreement and is not the basis for the Student to request a refund or reduction of the course fee.